
how to make a app like Whatsapp massanger

How to make a app like Whatsapp massanger First download trebedit app from Google play store Trebedit Here is all the code. VChat.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <style>   .clr_cls {    background-color:#B0F4B5;    color: black;    height:40px;    width:100%;    padding-top:15px;    text-align: center;   } input[type=text] {   width: 80%;   padding: 10px 10px;   margin: 8px 0;   box-sizing: border-box;   border:2px solid;   border-radius:50px;   float:left;   background:#B2BEB5;   color: white;   text-align: center;   opacity:5; } .ffr{    height:450px;    border:2px ;    padding-bottom:20px;    over...

Unity vs Unreal engine for beginners

Unity vs Unreal:- Most of game devloper confused about the choice of game engine they trapped in a great confussion Wich game engine they should use unity or Unreal .Wich is  best game making software.   Wich is best unity or unreal for beginners  and Wich engine unity vs unreal for vr.   we also discuss about  unity vs Unreal engine grafics. No doubt both engines are doing best in market . Both of them have some advantages and some disadvantages. Unity: Easy to use Free software Give comparitivaly low grafics then unreal Unreal: Require less coding Give high grafics Require high capability system for run  Both of engines are best beginners should start first time with unity and when they become advance they can choose unreal. 

Why hydraulics are not used in vehicle engine

Why hydraulics are not used in vehicle engine: Many people have questions that why science is not using hydraulics technology in vehicle engine inspite of it is pollution free and powerful. Answer of the questions is: Yes it is powerful and pollution free technology but it can't be used in vehicle engine due to its limitations. Limitations of hydraulics technology: It is slow Any leakage in system could damage whole system. Require high power Leakage of hydraulic oil can cause accidental fire 🔥🔥.  It is not used in vehicle because it require high power and battery cannot fulfill it's demand and above limitations are also a factor that it is not used in vehicles.

What are game engine? Wich is best?

What are game engine and Wich is best: Game engine are the platform where we get tools that are necessary for the game development. It provides many tool that makes our work easy and we can make a game easily. Types of game engine: 2D 3D  2D game engines: Monogame  Buildbox Game maker Construct Unity Etc. 3D game engines: Unity Unreal EEtc. From the above game engines most commonly used engine is unity and unreal. I recommend unity to my audience.

Wich language should I learn for becoming a game devloper

Wich language should we learn to be a game devloper: Game development industry is becoming a sunrise industry in our modern era and some students wants to make their career in game development field. In this post we will discuss the most important thing for game development that is programming . Programming is the sceleton and backbone of the game . Language used for game programming: C sharp JavaScript Python These are some of the language that can be used for game development. But most commonly used language is c sharp and I suggest you to learn c sharp Because it is easy to learn . So most of the game programmers use c sharp. 

How to become a game devloper

How to become a game devloper:   Some students interested in games and game development but they don't know how to become a game devloper. Game devloping field is growing rapidly and they give jobs to various students who want to devlop or want to play game. Game industry also pay for playing games . How to become a game devloper: You can become a game devloper by learning the game programming languages like c sharp, JavaScript etc. How many Scopes are there in field of game development:   Game programmers Game designer  Game artist Level designer Game tester Does game industry also pay for playing game: Yes,game tester are the post Wich playing games for company and they also pay to game tester. If you are interested in devloping or playing games you can choose this career options. You can learn game development free by watching tutorial available on you. It is verry good and free way to learn game development.

How to open a profitable game industry

How to open a profitable game industry: Technology brings a huge opportunity for us . Today gaming industries are becoming a profitable and million dollar business ,many people are running this industry and earning millions of rupees. How to start a gaming industry: Gaming industry is a low investment and high profit industries. This take low investment and give high profit. You can start your game industries by the following steps: Registration of your company Investment in your company ( b uy computers and stabilising office ) Hire employee Make deal with client for your game Devlope and sell games